Staying Connected
Hey, Crosspoint!
First, let me say I am so glad you are a part of this family - this community of Jesus followers. We endeavor to encourage, strengthen, and equip you for the life to which you are called in Christ Jesus.
There seems to be a growing tendency among many people today to desire to be with people (as in being in the presence of others) yet isolated on our devices. Devices are wonderful tools and we can utilize them to great benefit, but they cannot take the place of personal interaction and edification.
We need each other. We need you. You need us. Although you will see others at church on Sunday, why not reach out today and encourage someone? How about calling someone, meeting for coffee, and praying together? If you don't have time for a meet up, how about FaceTime? How will you encourage someone this week?
Service Times and Location
434 N Altadena Drive
Pasadena, CA 91107
Sunday @10:30 am worship gathering
(Childcare through age 5 is available, and childcare check-in starts at 10:15 AM)
Sunday @ 5 pm worship gathering
(Childcare and Crosspoint Kid’s church is available through 5th grade, and childcare check-in starts at 4:45 PM)
Wednesday @ 7 pm Growth Groups
Growth Groups for men and ladies. Come, be encouraged, and be an encourager!
(Childcare is available through 5th grade, and childcare check-in starts at 6:45 PM)
We will be streaming the 10:30am service LIVE on our Facebook page and on our YouTube channel or on our website (with Google Chrome only)
Important stuff 😉:
- We have started a Prayer Team! If you would like to be added to the team and receive notifications of specific prayer requests so you can "bear one another's burdens," simply text PRAY to 855-955-4585.
- Who are you going to bless this week? Reach out to one another via text, call, or FaceTime, and get together with an individual to share Christ’s love (Christian or non-Christian). 😊 Satan would love to divide people during this time. Be careful to be looking out for others and sharing Jesus with people who don’t know Him.
- Let us know if you or someone you know has a need.🙏
- Let’s remember to give financially through our tithes and offerings so the work of the church can continue. You can give online @ or through the app. If you would prefer to text your monetary gift, simply text GIVE to (424) 343-2378. You can also mail checks to:
Crosspoint Baptist Church
287 S Santa Anita Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91107
Coming Soon!
June 20: Father’s Day! - Child and baby dedication. Interested? Get more info here!
July 4: Celebration of Freedom - Let’s all gather for one service (location to be announced) followed by food, games, and a great time together!
August 12-14: Plan ahead! Our church camping trip is coming up at Quaking Aspen Campground in the Sequoia National Forest. It’s SO much fun to hangout together! You can reserve a yurt on your own here, or you can camp in our group camping spot (first 50 people) for a $10 per person, total, for the two nights. Register here!
Love and Share
Share Crosspoint on social media! Help your friends and family see what God is doing in lives! As you love and share our posts, others see how excited you are about what God is doing. Hey, they just might show up and start walking with Jesus too!
Hopefully, this will help answer many of your questions. If you have others, please feel free to contact us at
- Wear a mask.
- Invite a friend.
- Temperature checks will be required before entry into Crosspoint Kids classes.
- The owners of our meeting space have installed a germicidal, ultraviolet air purifier for the sanctuary to enhance the protective measures we are already taking.🥳