
This week at Crosspoint 07/05/2024

Phillip Jones
July 5, 2024

Empowered to Serve 💪

2 Corinthians 4:1, 7, & 16 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

On Wednesday, I talked about how in the book of Acts, the early disciples, who had been taught and trained by Jesus, received a charge from Him just before His ascension to Heaven. Jesus told them that they will receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon them, empowering them to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. They were  commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, make disciples, and baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The disciples obeyed this command and were empowered by the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter two, leading to 3,000 souls to salvation through the Lord Jesus.

Despite facing opposition and persecution, the disciples continued to preach boldly, and because of this, the church grew and then multiplied. These early Christians remained faithful, knowing that their afflictions were temporary and would result in eternal glory.

Paul then reminded the believers, in 2 Corinthians 4, to focus on the eternal rather than the temporary. It is our privilege as well as our responsibility as part of the body of Christ to take the Gospel to others. He emphasized the importance of looking beyond what is seen to focus on the eternal work of God.

By following Jesus, staying faithful, and trusting in His power, we too can endure hardships, serve with passion, and make an eternal impact on others through what Jesus has done in our life.

As a part of the body of Christ, at Crosspoint, each person's role is essential. By serving together in unity and with a focus on eternity, we can fulfill God's calling and bring glory to His name.

Want to hear more about this Treasure you hold in your earthen vessel (your life)? Pastor Phillip addressed this in his teaching on Wednesday night.  Listen here.

You can also download the notes here.

Mark your calendar! 🗓

Exciting things are coming to Crosspoint! See below for several of these opportunities to serve and grow together. Be sure to save the dates and be a part.

June 6
Hoving Home

Our ladies love going to the Hoving home to fellowship, have a Bible study, and encourage the women who are in the program in their walk with the Lord.  If you would like to go along, please reach out to Natalie Jones or Olivia Washington.

July 10
Get Ready to GROW - 7:00 PM

God has blessed us with some tremendous opportunities! So many have been saved, baptized, and added to the church family over the last year.

We are excited to see all that the Lord has been doing, and we want to remain committed to allowing our church to be available for all He is going to do. Sustainable growth does not happen in churches that are not prepared. We need to make room for God to work— literally.

Join us on Wednesday nights for the next few weeks as we prepare to grow. We will discuss our schedule, how to serve, and how to support the momentum that will come as we launch two Sunday morning services.

Learn more about this important opportunity!

July 11 - 13
Crosspoint Camping Trip

We are excited to spend a few days together with our church family in the San Bernardino Mountains. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship and connection with one another as we enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

‍All meals included. Special dietary needs are your own responsibility.

Please be sure to bring your own snacks, waters, and other drinks. We will provide a water with each meal.


Adults (18 years & up) - $35

Children (6 - 17 years) - $25

Babies (0 - 5 years) - FREE

Register here

Oso Campground
Angelus Oaks, CA

July 20
Harvest Crusade 2024

Join us at 7pm on July 20 at Angel's Stadium for a wonderful night of musical performances by top Christian artists, special guest interviews, and a message of hope from Pastor Greg Laurie that could change your life. This event will feature live musical performances from Chris Tomlin, Phil Wickham, and Brooke Ligertwood.

Invite your friends!


VBS coming soon🥳

Mark your calendar and invite your friends!

Link to register coming soon!

Church AppDownload our app and stay connected with your church family, your small group, and upcoming events! You can also give and listen to past services. Download here: Apple App Store or Google Play

Service Times and Location

434 N Altadena Drive
Pasadena, CA 91107

Sunday @ 10 AM - Prayer
We believe in the power of prayer. We would love for you to join us for this special time to seek the Lord together before the morning service.

Sunday @ 10:30 AM - Worship gathering
Childcare through age 5 is available. Check-in for childcare starts at 10:15 am

Wednesday @ 7:00 PM - Growth Group
Come each Wednesday to enjoy a Bible study and discussion with others in our Growth Groups. Be strengthened in your walk with the LORD and your connection with our church family.  

Love and Share

Share Crosspoint on social media! Help your friends and family see what God is doing in lives! As you love and share our posts, others see how excited you are about what God is doing. Hey, they just might show up and start walking with Jesus too!

What is your Next Step?

God intends for us to grow in our new life in Christ. Here are several things you can do to jumpstart that growth.

Enroll in Christian Life Coaching

Sign up for Baptism

Become a Member of Crosspoint

Join a ministry team

Whatever your next step is, we are here to support you and help you make it!

Not sure of your next step? That's ok too! We can help. Click here!


We will be streaming the 10:30 am service LIVE on our YouTube channel. Also, our Wednesday Bible studies are posted to our podcast. Search for Crosspoint LA in your favorite podcast app.